Location: In-person at Chatham Park Library and Virtually on Zoom
In attendance:
In person: Lauren Perry, Beth Solomon, Stella Frederick , Stacey Tomaschik, Pete Freind, Dario Mescia
Virtually: Donna Trottonow, Eva Medez, Julia, Peg Olley, Matt LeVeque, Nicole Meehan, Dr. Jabari Whitehead, Elizabeth Corbett, Damira Caldwell, Charlotte McCracken
Presentation by Chatham Park School Counselors, Damira Caldwell and
Principal remarks — Dr. Whitehead, School Principal
Class holiday parties went well. The Skatium (where the fifth grade
party was held) is looking for more school outings to book for them —
HASA to consider another event there this year.
Chatham Park’s choir is singing the National Anthem at the
Haverford High School Girls basketball game on January 16 at 7pm.
There are several Chatham Park alumni on the team.
A Principal and Teacher Read Aloud Evening at Moore Books is in the
works. Moore books is owned by a Chatham Park family. The evening will
likely be geared towards grades K-2.
Coming up in March is the school-wide reading incentive program.
The lead teachers are Ms. Pivovarnik, Ms. DiValerio, and Ms. Ritchie. The
theme is in the works. The program is being highlighted at a school board
meeting in February. Parent volunteers may be asked to do class readings
or in another way to support the incentive program.
Wit and Wisdom progress: Students are adjusting. It is very language
heavy. There is a lot of responsibility on the kids. A district team is
observing Chatham Park ELA classes on Jan 24 to determine the school’s
progress and will provide feedback.
Family social media warning about a TikTok trend with dangerous
consequences: Children are being challenged to freeze and microwave
squishy balls. There was a local non-Chatham Park incident, where a child
put a Nee Doh cube in the microwave — the burst and burned/scarred the
child’s face. Please monitor what your children are consuming on the
Construction update — see full January 2025 update from Construction
Update highlights: Next major shift will occur during spring break with
some classrooms; construction workers have more access to the building;
Library furniture is being decide week of January 13.
Event Updates
Completed Events
Monthly (Third Thursday) Quizzo Nights at Cuddy’s — next one is
Jan 16
Pancake Breakfast — thank you Abigail Shapansky for chairing
the event.
Young Authors Day — thank you to the authors and the volunteers
for making the day possible
Staff Holiday Breakfast and gift
Class Holiday parties
Upcoming/Current Events
MLK Day of Service — We are working on organzing a food/supply
drive. Details coming soon.
Anxious Generation Book Conversation — Charlotte McCracken
and Vickie Sanders are organizing. Permit is pending for
conversation to be held on Tuesday, January 28.
Winter Clubs — registration is closed. Look out for emails from your
club teacher. Email your homeroom teacher about your child’s club.
Remind your student the day of their club. There are 19 clubs,
which is the most ever offered. Clubs begin the week of January 21
or 28.
Sports Nights Out
76ers — coming up on Monday, February 24.
Union — tickets on sale soon for spring game
Flyers — in the works
Phillies — in the works
Someone Special Dance - we are waiting on confirmation of the
space available before releasing date. Targeted for one of the last
Fridays in February. The plan is for this to be free for one student
with one someone special
Science Fair - Ayfer Abdul is Chair — to get in touch with Dr.
Whitehead to coordinate timing of fair. In years past, Ms DiValerio
and Mr. Sherbinko were teacher leads. Lead time is needed to
mentor the children. We need dates ASAP.
Talent Show — no dates yet — typically a spring event
Scholastic Book Fair — Week set for February 24-28. Evening sale
likely Tuesday, February 25.
Maniac McGee — no date yet — typically a May event
Mayfair — no date yet — typically a May event
Chatham Families Together - communication going out this week
Culture Share Evening and Multicultural Day will be held on Friday,
April 4
Book Club reading - Date in March TBD — Between the World and
Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Next meeting is on Monday, January 13. The topic is curriculum. Dr.
Maureen Reutche and Jennifer Saska will be representing the
district. Form emailed out for feedback and questions — see from
There have been two meetings before January’s (one on
transportation and one on High School Guidance) — summary of
those meetings to come
Sponsorships — New chair is Kate Mereen. We have two new Field Day
Sponsors and more coming.
Treasurer Report
Top three items paid for this past month: Teacher holiday breakfast
and gift (approx $3k), Pancake Breakfast (approximately $850),
and Young Author’s Day (approximately $1400)
To come: fifth grade bus trip, someone special dance