Location: Virtual via Zoom
In attendance: Dario Mescia (President), Pete Freind (Vice President), Stella Frederick
(Treasurer), Stacey Tomaschik (Secretary), Charlotte McMcCracken, Amy Mescia, Karen
Carano, Beth Solomon, Jesse Kennedy, Wesley Thorpe II, Sarah Edelstein, Trottnow Family,
Kara Peiffer, Dan Lacey, Nicole Meehan, Heather ?, 17039943644, Brittany, Katie Holder
Principal’s Report (presented by Dario in Dr. Whitehead’s absence):
The school needs recess and lunch monitors. HASA to communicate sign-up methods for volunteers. There are also paid opportunities. Volunteers Coordinator, Charlotte McCracken noted that we have a person who indicated interest via the volunteer interest form.
The entire school engaged in a moment of silence today in honor of the tragedy of September 11.
The counselors have added more spirit days to the school calendar to increase positive engagement for the students.
Field hockey and flag football will begin soon for fourth and fifth graders.
Food services introduced a hydration display to engage students to try different ways to drink water.
The main entrance is under the red awning in the faculty staff parking lot.
The faculty/staff parking lot is only for the use of school and district personnel.
Coming up soon: Spirit Week & Bark-A-Palooza (9/30/24-10/4/24), Gold Out for Childhood Cancer Awareness (9/27/24), Booster-Thon and the Fun Run (10/14/24).
Construction Update. Click here for full details.
Introductory remarks from President, Dario Mescia. Future meetings are planned to be in person with a virtual option. In person option was not secured in time for this meeting.
Introduction of the new HASA Board: Dario Mescia is president, Pete Freind is Vice President, Stacey Tomaschik is Secretary, Stella Frederick is Treasurer
Introduction to Chairs and others in leadership roles present: Nicole Meehan is Communications Manager, Charlotte McCracken is Volunteers Coordinator, Jesse Kennedy is our website manager, Beth Solomon is IDC (Intra-District Council) rep.
Presentations at future HASA Meetings — HASA is developing a survey to collect topics Chatham Park families want to hear about. Topics brought up tonight that attendees would want to be presented:
Nutrition and School Cafe app
Middle School principal, Dan Horan, to speak to fifth grade families about the Middle School
IDC Update from Beth Solomon:
Beth is focused on making the channels of communication between the Chatham Park community and the IDC meetings more open and consistent.
Idea presented: Create a page on the HASA website to hold IDC updates.
This year’s topics will be planned in IDC’s first meeting in October. HASA will poll the community before October’s meeting so Chatham Park IDC representatives
can bring that to the meeting for consideration.
Before each IDC meeting, Chatham Park IDC reps will survey families for feedback and questions on the topic in advance of the meetings. Results from those meetings will be published for the entire community to consume.
Event Update from Pete Freind: In the beginning stages, working out details to see what can and cannot be done at the school. Barkapalooza and Boosterthon are set.
HASA’s Non-profit status: With HASA’s new 501(c)(3) status, we can no longer collect dues. Dues suggest a mandatory payment. We will instead welcome suggested donations from Chatham Park families.
Treasurer's report from Stella Frederick: Over the summer, we made $500 from the auditorium chair sale. All of that money (plus more) was spent on a welcome back breakfast for staff and faculty on their first day back in the building.
Idea presented by Stacey Tomaschik: Casual Park meet up/playdate specifically aimed at new families. A Kindergarten parent present at the meeting suggested a Saturday morning. We will follow up with a poll on what day/time would work.
Club update from Amy Mescia – To date, 11 clubs are ready for the fall. All grades have at least one club to choose from. The aim for the club sale to go live is September 18. Communication about the clubs will happen shortly. The time of day for the beginning of the sale is to be determined. Fall clubs will occur from early October through November. Expect winter clubs to occur mid January through March. Spring clubs will happen late March/Early April through late May/Early June.