Chatham Park Elementary School
Field Day 2024
Field Day will be on May 15th with rain date of May 16th, 2024. HASA will be providing t-shirts for every student (thank you sponsors!) and events are held during the day. Parents are invited to watch. Times will be announced closer to date. Please consider volunteering for working the water stands. Sign-ups will post closer to date!
Field Day Schedule and basic information:
Grades Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd will have their field day from 9:10 AM to 11:00 AM. All Kindergarten students will attend field day during this segment of the day. Kindergarten classes will have 5th grade helpers to assist with the games.
We will also have high school helpers and former Chatham Park graduates here to help run all the stations.
Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th will have their field day from 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. The high school helpers will remain to assist with the stations.
** Parents are welcome to observe and cheer the children on during their child’s/children’s segment(s) of field day (Sideline are the preferred locations for parent(s) viewing of field day).
Please keep an eye out for any additional information specific to your child’s/children’s class for field day.