Chatham Park Elementary School-Home and School Association-
Monthly Meeting
March 6, 2024
Opening remarks from Dr. Whitehead
Opening remarks from Dr. Whitehead
Great book fair, thank you to the volunteers
Getting back parent involvement pre-covid, nice to see all the faces and be part of the school experience 🙂
Ideas to help increase volunteerism
Mystery guests
Reminder early dismissal days/conference week-conferences are formal times, teachers are available during other times if families need to speak with them during other times if needed
Science fair -march 13, excited about the fair!
Two story expansion to Chatham - please pay attention to the plan and stay tuned so you have the accurate information during the school board meetings.
Keep children home if they are sick.
Fitness movement designs available, install this summer
Recent/Current Events:
Some-One-Special Dane
Scholastic Book Fair
Upcoming Events: 4/12
Science Fair (3/13 7-9)
CFT’s Cultural Share Evening-4/12
School cultural assemblies 4/12
Reading Olympics-4/30 (Strathhaven Middle School)
Talent Show 5/3
Mayfair 5/18
Maniac Magee-5/18
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony 6/12, rain date 6/13
Board Open Positions, nomination period 3/1-3/15, voting 3/30
Sponsorships will run on a calendar years basis-letters in process of going to previous sponsors and potential new sponsors
HASA sponsored the Twilight Run
HASA sponsored the Blast at the HS
All volunteers must have all their clearances.
Volunteers must check in at the front office.
IDC update
Meeting on Monday - looking for feedback from the community about any concerns
Coopertown 3/20 at 7pm open to everyone
Chatham Families Together Update
Culture share will cap off multi cultural day
Interest form is open
Open Discussion
Treasurer's report - available online