Opening remarks from Dr. Whitehead
Halloween was a success, thanks to all the homeroom parents and community members who showed
Congrats to winners of pumpkin contest
American education week 11/13-time slots will be sent to drop in and visit
Conferences are virtual and sign ups are out 11/20-11/22 (early dismissal days too)
Bark and Boosterthon were a success
Expansion at chatham confirmed-break ground this summer, three year project
Appreciate families who have helped with lunch and recess, urgent need for lunch monitors, asking HASA for monthly sign up genius and email to go out and applications
Membership ToolKit-Add contact information in Membership Toolkit to ensure you are keeping current on all HASA activities and important dates and reminders.
Recent Events:
Bark-A-Palooza and Movie Night
Boosterthon- $26,000 was raised during our week of Boosterthon! Check sent to SDHT for Benefit of Chatham Park Elementary for Fitness and Movement Equipment.
Design will be put together and students will pick the design
Pumpkin Decorating Contest- Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all who participated
Upcoming Events:
Spirit Wear Sale- going on now! Order through 11/10. Local pick up starting 12/8 at Hockeytown.
Wreath and Poinsettia Sales starting soon. Dates to be announced.
Pancake Breakfast-Saturday December 2nd at Chatham Park:
Family Fun Pancake Breakfast
New this year-Kids Kastle Holiday Shop
Sponsorships will run on a calendar years basis
At the next meeting the Treasurer will go over program and sponsorship opportunities.
HASA Not-For Profit Status:
The HASA Executive Board is meeting with the attorney who is providing her services pro-bono to set-up HASA as a 501(c)3. An update will be provided at next month's meeting.
All volunteers must have all their clearances.
Volunteers must check in at the front office.
Chatham Families Together: Update
Park meet up last week
Next event this friday, cultural event for Diwali
Not doing the holiday share, celebrate throughout the year instead. Submit and reachout to CFT
Culture share 4/12
Cultural assemblies
IDC update
Heather updates
Big topic PTO and how they communicate with families-can’t reach out directly
Distinctions between what district funds v PTO should funds, essential things should be funded by the district-unity day, field day, mayfair, young writers workshop (list to Dr with man hours and supplies)
Open Discussion
Charlotte McCracken-options for the bookfair for 2024/25
Stacey-3rd grade service club help